Activity Stations
** Activity list not final, more being added soon! **
Biology: Fly Mania: What Can a Tiny Insect Teach Us About You?, How is Plant Growth Influenced by Environment?
Biochemistry: Strawberry DNA Extraction, Let's Break It Down: Liver Enzymes, Build a Protein! Protein Bracelets
Chemistry: Electronic Textiles for Air and Water Purification
Computer Science: Lights, Camera, Action!, Robotic Boat Experience
Ecology, Evolution, Environment, and Society: Sounds Great! How Animals Use Sound to Communicate, Archaeology of New England
Earth Science: Rock...Or Meteor?
Engineering: Biomaterials
Integrative Neuroscience: Make Your Muscles Sing
Mathematics: Graph Coloring
Physics: Surprises in Physics Demos and Experiments!
Psychological & Brain Sciences: Robo Roach, Brain Anatomy
Special Guests:
- Bristle bots
- How Does Food Turn into Energy?
Life Science Center Greenhouse Tours (12pm - 3pm)