
The focus of proposal support from the Outreach office involves development of Broader Impact (BI) statements and management of the programs and partnerships to facilitate their outcomes.


GrantGPS has helped catalyze scholarship for researchers of all ranks and disciplines at Dartmouth. With the aim of supporting faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and trainees during every aspect of their pursuit for funding and intellectual impact, they provide assistance with a host of associated tasks.

For more information, and to arrange a consultation to create and manage an effective BI statement, please email Grant GPS.


  • Developing and understanding your Broader Impact Identity is an excellent first place to start in the process of developing sustainable impact.
  • The National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI) guiding principles can help frame a solid approach to developing a well crafted BI statement.
  • The COSEE Broader Impact Wizard is a helpful online tool that can be used to satisfy NSF II criterion addressing specific areas throughout the creation of the BI statement, from audience identification through to evaluation. 
  • Logic models, developed by the University of Wisconsin, can enhance and clarify your proposal.

Working With Minors

The Outreach office provides faculty with information regarding working with minors. This information is intended to support faculty in getting started with the paperwork and guidelines for working with minors, especially intended to ensure faculty have the time and resources needed to focus on the outreach activities. Starting documents include:

Other Campus Offices Supporting Grant Writing and Submission

Data Management and Support
Computational resources are available for high performance and scientific computing, bioinformatic analysis, visualization, and data storage. Research Computing continually expands its services and technologies, ensuring researchers have access to a world-class computational environment. We are committed to developing a responsive and highly capable computing infrastructure that helps researchers with big data challenges of the future across all academic disciplines at Dartmouth. Reach out to Research Computing to schedule a meeting and discover ways in which they can assist you.

Librarians for Research Support
Every department on campus has a designated 
subject librarian available for specialized help and grant research support, including literature reviews and data management plans. Your librarian will help you develop your literature review, recommend specific resources and search strategies, and provide assistance on how to most effectively find, access, organize, and use information and research data.
The Library supports the grant writing process by providing extensive print and digital collections, in addition to expert assistance.

Grant Management
The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) serves as a central resource to support faculty in the grant process in pre- and post-award services.
They providing guidance and stewardship for the research community and the College. OSP is comprehensive in its scope and mission, handling both pre award and post award services.
The Office has primary responsibility for assuring Dartmouth's compliance with funding regulations, and assists the research community to facilitate the application and submission of proposals to external sponsors (Pre-Award Grants Officers), as well as the receipt, and management of awards (Post-Award Sponsored Research Managers).