BI Support Workshops

Workshop Series

Dartmouth has been working with national partners under an NSF-funded study to determine best practices in broader impact partnerships. Through these partnerships, we are able to provide a number of resources to support faculty.

All NSF directorates participate in the CAREER program and the award is designed to develop the junior faculty in their researcher and educator roles. This is a highly competitive award and a successful application requires a balance of education and research. Through this workshop series we will offer tools and strategies for developing the Broader Impact statement, support in developing partnerships, insight from CAREER recipients and NSF program officers, and a mock review session. We hope you will sign up for this very relaxed and supportive series!

The broader impact support workshops are open to ALL faculty, regardless of program, or proposal stage.

Thursday, February 13: 12-1:00pm
Broader Impacts: developing a Broader Impact identity
We will discuss the concept of BI in the CAREER award, and develop your BI identity through workshopping and discussing the outreach/public engagement landscape. Please complete as much of the Broader Impacts Identity Worksheet as you are able, and come prepared to discuss.

Lunch Provided. Registration Required.

Thursday, February 27: 12-1:00pm
My Process: Thoughts from Funded Recipients
Guests: Jimmy Wu, Chemistry; Jonathan Winter, Earth Sciences; Luke Chang, PBS.

Funded CAREER recipients will share their grant development process including how they developed their broader impact statement, and how they managed the implementation of the BI project. The presentation will be informal and questions will be especially welcomed.
Lunch Provided. Registration Required.

Thursday, March 5: 12-1:00pm
External Partners and Internal Resources Meet and Greet
Guests: VINS, Montshire, MakerSpace, AVA Gallery, Upper Valley Land Trust, and others tbc
From Campus: Research Computing, librarians, Office of Sponsored Programs, and more

This informal lunchtime session is an opportunity to meet campus support offices and learn about resources available to ease the grant application process. We will also have representatives from organizations outside Dartmouth with whom a partnership for BI development may be opportune. 

Lunch Provided. Registration Required.

Thursday, March 26: 12-1:00pm
Demistifying the Process -- NSF Program Officer Perspective
Guest: Ed Taylor, NSF Program Officer, Division of Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Taylor will give an overview of the CAREER Award from the perspective of a program officer, and provide some insight into the relationship between the research and the broader impact component of the grant. This will be an informal presentation, questions are hihgly encouraged!

Lunch Provided. Registration Required.

Thursday, April 23: 12-1:00pm
Mock Reviews 
Guests: Laura Ray, Thayer; Robert Caldwell, Physics and Astronomy, others tbc.

Please bring your drafts for a mock review session. This will be a highly interactive session!

Lunch Provided. Registration Required.

Please be in touch if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the workshops!